HTML Calendar Maker Pro

Help With HTML

Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is the standard that all web pages must follow to be viewed on browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. HTML is broken down into “tags”, which tell the browser what fonts to use, whether to make certain text bold, where to insert images, and where to put links, to name a few.

If you are a beginner to HTML, we will show you the essentials that you can begin using in our product. By the end of this page, you will know how to change your text formatting on a whim in your event boxes and you can even begin creating your own headers and footers.

If you’d like to learn more, we will give you a list of our favorite resources available on the web as well as at your local bookstore or through

Getting Started
Since HTML Calendar Maker Pro has the built-in capability to handle HTML code, we will use these to enter our code directly into event boxes.

We will start with the <b> and </b> tags. The first is an instruction to make the text following it bold and the second, a “closing tag,” discontinues the use of bold. For example, typing:

The following text is <b>bold</b>.
will yield on the web page:

The following text is bold.

Note that the period before the opening tag and after the closing tag is not bold, but the text in between has been made bold.

You can also italicize and underline in the same manner.

Opening Tag Closing Tag
Bold <b> </b>
Italic <i> </i>
Underline <u> </u>

This concept of “nesting” text between tags is used thoroughly to construct an entire web page. There are many other tags that affect positioning, color, fonts, buttons, and more. Obviously, this is only a scratch on the surface of web page design. For further information, Creative Computer Solutions highly recommends the following resources on and off the web. We have hand-picked these links based on our personal experience with these quality sites and products.


Books Websites
HTML For the World Wide Web
HTML 4 for Dummies
Web Design in a Nutshell
HTML Tutorial – W3Schools
HTML Tutorial – HTML Dog